Welcome to our Shramshakti Educational Institute


I have been a member of the agricultural education advisory committee at our school for the past five years. Over that time the program has struggled and doesn‟t look much different than when I was a student. I think that is why we have been having problems with enrollment.

The students taking agricultural education at the high school do not have agricultural backgrounds and need a different program than we were exposed to years ago. We would discuss this issue over and over at our advisory meetings, but didn‟t know where to turn to get more information.

The materials presented here helped us consider ways to update our program and consider expanding it throughout the school district, from kindergarten to adults. I must admit this was a real educational process for me, because whenever I heard anyone talking about the „ag program,‟ I always assumed they meant the high school vocational program. Considering offering agricultural education to all students at all levels really makes sense